LED Holiday Lights
You can get a rebate from LPEA when you purchase LED lights. Rebates include $2 for a 49-bulb string or less and $4 for a 50-bulb string or more.
These lights use 90% less energy than regular lights. These lights last longer and burn cooler than other kinds of lights, reducing the risk of fire.
Give your time, not "stuff"
We are often tempted to buy things for people that we don't know they will like or appreciate. Instead of using lots of extra paper to wrap a box containing something that might be cast aside or returned, pledge to spend a chunk of time with your friends or relatives, either doing a "chore" or favor for them, or setting a date for lunch or a walk.
Also, consider helping an elderly or disabled friend or relative fill out an application and gather documents to qualify for up to $6500 FREE weatherization upgrades to their home. Check here to see if they might qualify.
Energy Improvements as a Gift
Help pay for part of these energy improvements and the person who receives your gift may be eligible for a tax credit for the non-gift portion (contact your tax adviser). Find incentive information in your area through the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Energy (DSIRE).
- Replace home appliances with an Energy Star model. Talk about gifts that keep on giving- these appliances use less energy and water, decreasing utility bills to make this gift last.
- Insulate a home to make it cozy and energy efficient. Your loved ones may also be eligible for a rebate through Insulate Colorado (if they live in Colorado).
If your budget is not ready for a larger gift, consider the following items you can install together:
- CFL light bulbs
- Laundry line
- Weather stripping
- Low-flow shower heads

Pledge to purchase green blocks of power for the year.
LPEA's green power is just $0.80 per month for clients in La Plata and Archuleta Counties. For $9.60 you could provide your loved-one with green power for 2010!
Empire Electric Association's Green Power Program is available for clients in Montezuma and Dolores Counties. Blocks are $0.40/month.
Contribute to Energy Savings Programs
For someone who has everything, make a donation to the Local Clean Energy Fund or 4CORE's Program Support Fund in their name.
- Local Clean Energy Fund donations go directly back into the community via rebates and free or reduced fee services
- Program Support Fund supports 4CORE's education, outreach, and operations
Consider buying the Local First Coupon Book as gifts. If you don't live in the Durango area, research a coupon book for your local region. Shopping locally saves energy through decreased shipping, and supporting businesses creates jobs, generates tax revenue, and contributes to community life.
For more great ideas, see the following websites:
Gifts for Kids
Have a "Slow" Holiday