Governor Ritter recently announced Colorado’s new Community Energy Coordinators (CEC), naming the Four Corners Office for Resource Efficiency (4CORE) as the CEC for La Plata, Dolores, San Juan, Montezuma and Archuleta counties. “We’re excited to see champions for the New Energy Economy on the ground in these local communities, working closely with citizens, businesses and governments to help them save money, create jobs and increase our energy security,” Gov. Ritter said.
Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, this 30-month grant from the Colorado Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) will provide a way for smaller or “non-entitled” communities to prepare and position themselves for renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation opportunities as well as develop local sustainability strategies and energy action plans.
Key components of the Energy Action Plans will include:
• A public outreach and education plan
• A plan to attract new energy efficient (EE) and renewable energy (RE) businesses to the five county region
• Contractor EE and RE training
• Identification of residential, commercial and utility-scale RE opportunities in the region
• Opportunities to reduce energy-related impacts of transportation
• A plan to increase participation in material conservation programs such as recycling and zero waste
• The development of water conservation plans
Join us for the Community Energy Coordinator Kickoff event!
The public is invited to 4CORE’s Community Energy Coordinator kick-off event, an Introduction to Zero Waste workshop featuring Gary Liss on April 15, 2010 from 8am – 11:30am at the Durango Public Library. This FREE event will cover the features, issues and applications of zero waste principles. Come learn what Zero Waste communities and businesses are doing to divert over 90% of their waste from landfill and incineration.
Locally made bagels and coffee will be provided in the morning for participants. Click here to learn more and RSVP or view the event flyer.
Stay in the Loop!
Interested in staying up to date on CEC events, educational sessions, contractor trainings, GEO rebate programs and grants? Subscribe to 4CORE's monthly e-newsletter!