Two years ago, a group of my friends and I were told to sit down, blueprint, imagine, and present a program “to spur sustainable economic development” that was transparent, credible, consistent, valuable, holistic, locally defined, and unique. Our feelings were somewhere between absolutely overwhelmed and excited to show off how competent we were. We then realized we were contained only by the realization we had NOTHING to go from.
We were a mere semester away from graduation, reveling in the attitude that we could take on the world, so we pulled something together, got to dress up, and presented the shared masterpiece of our world-view, understanding, and skills picked up in college having no idea what we achieved or if it would… accomplish anything.
We called it the Sustainable Services Program, an ill choice for a name if you are not into the whole “green” thing and are irritated when people wax poetic "evil corporations". And what does "sustainable" mean, anyway?
Coming out of college I thought anyone would be totally thrilled to have someone like me who could use power point so well join their (professional) business team. When I did finally find a place that brought together my interests in sustainable economics (4CORE), I was shocked to see our program, the one we truly devoted our efforts to, being discussed and initiated by the end of the year. I am alternately overwhelmed and refreshed on a project I helped create. It is awesome and a bit embarrassing all at the same time. Our team has changed the name. I was so blown away that they liked the idea that I overlooked the lack of zest in the new moniker: Resource Smart Business Program. Real people with real jobs, real capability, and real resources are actually pioneering a multi-generational sustainable business program with intent to make it for profit, long term, and a community focused economic model for towns, cities, networks or whoever can use it around the world. I want to do everything I can to participate and help realize this program and can’t believe more than my three friends from college are interested too. This is going to be fun, which is exactly what we wanted.
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