Water use in SW Colorado
Almost 87% of our water use in Colorado goes toward agriculture. The next highest use is 6.7% for municipalities- and that includes your water use at home (Citizen's Guide to Where Your Water Comes From).
In 2003 and 2004 a landmark study called the Statewide Water Supply Initiative evaluated our water use and predicted regions of the state that would experience shortfalls by 2030 based on growth and use patterns. Our region is expected to have the 3rd largest shortfall in the state (26%), trailing only behind two basins on the front range.
With this in mind, there are local opportunities that exist for you to be involved in.
The River Protection Workgroup is a community-based, collaborative process discussing protection measures for rivers and streams.There are two work groups meeting monthly. One for the Piedra river and it meets in Pagosa Springs. The other is for the Animas and meetings are in Silverton. Click here to learn more!
Local Events
Dolores River Festival, Saturday, June 2nd
Animas River Days, Friday, June 8-10, which includes the
Reel Paddling Festival- Friday, June 8
Finally, here are a few tips to conserve water this summer:
- Water your garden or lawn in the evening or early morning.
- Install a low-flow shower head (this can save you $150 per year in utility costs!)
- Shorten your showers.
- Water for longer with less frequency.
- Incorporate native plants that require less water.
- Fix your leaky faucets (the average house wastes 10,000 gallons per year- enough to fill a swimming pool!)