has administered weatherization of 588 homes over the last three-and-a-half years
for low income qualified residents in Archuleta, La Plata, San Juan, Montezuma
and Dolores Counties. Together with partners Housing Solutions for the
Southwest and the Southwest Conservation
Corps (in partnership with AmeriCorps),
4CORE makes a tremendous difference for hundreds of families. The organization’s
commitment to implement the most energy efficient technologies has made homes
safer and more affordable for local families who can least afford high energy
has been a very rewarding experience to serve so many good people in this
region,” said Robert Dawes, 4CORE Board Chair. “We understand the reasons for
this decision, and regret that we will be unable to provide local management of
this valuable program.”
decision by the Colorado Energy
Office (CEO) to consolidate the Southwest Colorado region with Housing Resources
of Western Colorado is due to decreased funding from the U.S. Department of
Energy for this program. Housing Resources previously administered the program
for our area by subcontracting with Housing Solutions for the Southwest before
the weatherization program was fortified with American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act dollars in 2009.
“This decision is based purely on economics and is in no way
to be interpreted as a performance issue regarding 4CORE’s representation and
administration of the weatherization program,” said Marjorie L. Carrasco, CEO Weatherization
Production Program Manager. “(4CORE and their) employees’ dedication to serving
the region is to be complimented.”
Housing Resources will continue to work with Housing Solutions
for the Southwest in providing free weatherization services to the communities
in Southwestern Colorado after July 1st, 2013.
was established to provide access to resource efficiency information, practices
and measures for our community. The weatherization program is one of several
programs the organization delivers and oversees. 4CORE will continue to serve
the residents of Southwest Colorado with programs, including residential and
commercial energy efficiency and education and information for advancing
resource efficiency in Southwest Colorado. 4CORE programs have saved residents
and businesses over $875,000 in utility bills to date, and brought over $7.8M
in grant funds to our region.
will continue to help our communities to make smarter use of limited resources,
help reduce utility bills, decrease dependence on foreign oil, and maintain a
high quality of life for future generations. Support 4CORE and get involved by
visiting www.fourcore.org.
About Housing Resources of Western Colorado
Housing Resources has been in business in Mesa County for over 30
years. The mission of Housing Resources, a 501(c)(3) private non-profit
corporation, is to provide affordable housing and to promote the wise and
sustainable use of resources. Housing Resources offers pre-purchase and
post-purchase educational services, weatherization services, opportunities for
community revitalization, and the provision of quality, safe, affordable
housing for those with low and moderate income.
Housing Resources is a chartered member of NeighborWorks America. Housing Resources has been weatherizing homes
on the western slope since 1998 and has completed over 6,400 jobs over the life
of the program. Learn more about Housing Resources online or by calling
their offices at 970-241-2871.