Four Corners Office for Resource Efficiency (4CORE) and Housing Solutions for the Southwest(HSSW) announce being the recipient of a $25,000 Special Projects grant from La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) for low income weatherization projects in 2012. Tri-State Generation and Transmission will match the grant up to $20,000, and all funding will be used to weatherize homes for qualifying residents within LPEA’s service territory (La Plata and Archuleta Counties).
“Our board of directors believes firmly in weatherization to help our members save energy and dollars,” said LPEA CEO, Greg Munro. “These funds were granted from Unclaimed Capital Credits, the patronage capital accrued for members who may have moved and we are unable to find. It was money due back to members, so our board always wants to use it to benefit the members. The monies do not come from our regular operating budget.”

The joint request is the result of ongoing collaboration and partnership between 4CORE and HSSW since 2009. HSSW has provided weatherization services in Southwest Colorado in excess of 30 years, while 4CORE was formed in 2008, and brought the administration of weatherization back to the region from the Housing Resource Center in Grand Junction in 2009 as a sub grantee to the Governor’s Energy Office.
Weatherization services provide energy saving measures to improve the quality of life, health and safety for residents, including insulation, air sealing, furnace upgrades, window and door replacement, and other efficiency upgrades. Improving low income housing through weatherization provides long-term energy and cost savings, enhances health, safety and property values for the region, and invests in local communities and future generations throughout Southwest Colorado. Improving energy performance can not only cut utility bills by 30-percent, but many of the buildings are old and also pose serious health and safety risks for residents.
“4CORE and HSSW thank LPEA and Tri-State for their continued support of weatherization for low income housing,” said Gregg Dubit, executive director with 4CORE. “As federal funding has decreased for 4CORE weatherization projects in 2012, local support is critical.”
Marcy McKeon with HSSW echoed Dubit’s statement. “In addition to excess energy consumption and exorbitant costs, over 80-percent of the homes we audit for energy performance pose serious health and safety risks for residents, including gas leaks, carbon monoxide poisoning and fire hazards,” added McKeon.
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