The Solarize La Plata Steering Committee was formed in April 2013 and began meeting to define campaign parameters. The program focused on recruiting 100 La Plata County participants to go solar, targeting new capacity of at least 325 kilowatts (kW). 219 solar system proposals were distributed, and to date 522 kW are committed, exceeding the established kilowatt goal. Seventy-four of these systems are complete and energized, with another 12 installations in progress. Remaining installations will likely be complete by fall.
“The program made it easy and was a good push for us,” said Erika Brown, Solarize La Plata participant. “We had been considering solar, but Solarize La Plata was the catalyst we needed to make it happen in a limited time frame.”
Solarize La Plata is saving our community an estimated 822,399 kWh per year, equating to $80,587 in electricity bill savings. This translates to the prevention of an estimated 567 metric tons of carbon pollution per year. Economic impacts include the creation of fifteen fulltime jobs and a monetary impact of approximately $2,173,000 in La Plata County, of which some 60-65% remains circulating within our local economy.
“Looking back to our formative meetings in May 2013, I think none of us could have guessed the outcome of our work,” said Robert Lea, Solarize La Plata Chairman. “The work was challenging. We put out lots of mental, emotional and physical effort, had fun, met lots of good people, and accomplished a lot of good for our community.”
Solarize La Plata is supported by grants from Optony’s American Solar Transformation Initiative (ASTI) through the Department of Energy’s Rooftop Solar Challenge, Ballantine Family Fund, and the City of Durango.
Find more information on the 4CORE web site at www.fourcore.org, or by calling 970-259-1916.
With the UK spinning reserves at 2% solar power is the way forward.